March 2025 at Sophia

For all of March, our services will focus on the Doctrine of the Church. These will be some of the most important weeks in the history of our church. I do not say that lightly. As we gain a better understanding of who and what we are in Christ, we will reach a greater understanding of our purpose in and outside the walls of Sophia Baptist Church. On Sunday morning, March 16, a representative from Your Choices Randolph will be with us as we focus on the importance of a Pro-Life ethic. That service will start at 10:45 AM. This month will be pivotal for the health and future of our church as we strive to glorify God in all we do.
– Pastor Burris


SundayMar 2The Doctrine of the ChurchEphesians 4:11-16
WednesdayMar 5The Role of the Elders1 Peter 5:1-6
SundayMar 9Discipleship and the Local ChurchMatthew 28:18-20
WednesdayMar 12The Role of the DeaconActs 6:1-7
Sunday, 10:45 AMMar 16A Pro-Life Ethic, YCR SundayPsalm 139:13-16
WednesdayMar 19The Role of the Covenant MemberHebrews 10:19-25
SundayMar 23Evangelism and the Local ChurchRomans 10:13-17
WednesdayMar 26Church DisciplineMatthew 18:15-20
SundayMar 30Why is Sophia a Baptist Church?Selected Scriptures


YouthWednesdays at 7 PM 
Choir PracticeWednesdays after service 
Faith Christian School Student PreachersThursday, Mar 13 at 7 PMHelping and honoring young men as they prepare for ministry
Young at HeartTBDFamily Life Center
Ladies’ FellowshipThursday, Mar 27 at 6 PMFamily Life Center
Pastor’s Anniversary LuncheonSunday, Mar 23 after Sunday WorshipFamily Life Center
Eager to Serve?See Pastor BurrisReach out if you are interested in evangelism or serving

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